
Initial Handwriting Help Evaluation 

One on one extensive virtual evaluation with handwriting specialist. This evaluation is necessary for placing your child with the appropriate group for classes.  An evaluation packet will be shipped prior to the session.  All mechanics of handwriting will be evaluated to include: memory, orientation, placement, size, start and sequence.   A clinical observation of ergonomics and posture will be completed.  Determination of how the student is holding their pencil, and if the pencil grip is functional will be discussed.   

Afterwards a full report write up to include recommendations and intervention planning will be provided. Suggestions for the child's classroom will be provided that can be shared with your child's teachers!  The price of the evaluation includes a 15 minute virtual meeting with parent to discuss findings.   After evaluation has been completed, a handwriting packet with all needed resources and workbooks will be shipped to your home.  These items will be used in the virtual handwriting sessions.   

Evaluation costs are credited back to your account when signing up for 3 months or more of group lessons!


Group Handwriting Help Session

Our specialized virtual handwriting instructions typically last between 45-60 minutes.  Sessions are on a weekly basis in a small group of  no more than 4 other students.  Student will be sent a handwriting packet to be used during sessions and in-between sessions. Students will be taught how to properly form letters so that they are legible. They will be taught proper posture and why handwriting is important.  Group sessions to start in November 2021.   An initial evaluation is required prior to starting group sessions.   Group sessions are held weekly on weekday evenings and cost $39.99 per lesson.

Handwriting Help Summer Camp

Our specialized virtual handwriting instructions typically last between 45-60 minutes.  Summer camp sessions are on a daily basis from Monday thru Thursday for 4 weeks.  Summer camps are an intensive quick paced curriculum.  We suggest signing up for a session based on the corresponding grade level the student was in for the 2021-2022 school year.  Student will be sent a handwriting packet to be used during sessions and in-between sessions. Students will be taught how to properly form letters so that they are legible. They will be taught proper posture and why handwriting is important.   Students will be taught how to size letters correctly, and space letters and words accurately.  Activities to perform between sessions will be provided through an online platform. Summer camp start mid June.